A positive pregnancy test is a massive game changer for any parent to be. Here our four mums from across the world let you in on their personal and emotional journeys of expecting a child and becoming a mother.
Hi there!
Welcome to parenthood. The land of unconditional love and never-ending doubts! And welcome to our world of organic. You’re probably new here, but we are here to help: By encouraging a natural approach to parenting. By inspiring you to grow naturally into your new role and let your baby develop at a natural pace. And by offering pure, organic products for your little one - giving you a little less to worry about.
Take a look around and grow with the flow!
From baby milk to family meals
My First Food Guide
Establishing healthy food habits for your little one is both exiting and exhausting. Stroll through this little guiding tool to learn what to introduce when and what signs to look for.
BABY – About your child’s development and needs

How do I breastfeed my baby?

How do I know if my baby has an allergy?

Why is breastfeeding best for me and my baby?

How do I bottle feed my baby?

How to move on from breastfeeding?

What allergies could me baby have?